Terms of use

This Website’s General Conditions of Use

The following terms and conditions regulate the access and use of the website www.rentacarginer.com (herein after, the site or website), a website owned by RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL. The expression “site or website” is understood to include but not limited to- the texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, etc. within it, and, in general, all the creations expressed through any medium or support, tangible or intangible, currently known or which will be invented in the future, regardless of whether they are susceptible or not to intellectual property in accordance with the Restated Text of the Spanish Intellectual Property Law or legislation that succeeds it in the future.

Accessing the site implies that the visitor acquires a series of rights and obligations with the aim of guaranteeing the adequate enjoyment of the services and contents that can be found in it and that RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL makes it freely available to the user, except where the specific conditions that regulate a determined service or content that is accessible through the website states that the user must make an economic outlay for its use and enjoyment.

The visitor is aware of the fact that access and use of the services and contents on the site are carried out under his/her sole and exclusive responsibility.

User status is acquired by accessing the website. The user shall exclusively use the services and contents for personal ends and/or as a customer of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL, to the exclusion of any other mode of utilisation posterior to them with a profit-making intention or that yields any profit, directly or indirectly, whatsoever.

RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL informs the users about the following general conditions of use, which are expressly and fully accepted by them simply through accessing the website and/or visualising the contents or using the services contained on the website.

If these general conditions were substituted by others, totally or partially, such new general conditions shall be understood as accepted in exactly the same manner as already stated. However, the website user will have to access these general conditions periodically to know the successive versions included here, although it is recommended that the user accesses them every time that he/she envisages accessing or making use of the website’s services or contents.

In the event that the user does not accept these general conditions or, where appropriate, the specific conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content provided for the users of this website and that said entity specifies, the user must refrain from accessing the website.

RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL shall be able to establish Specific Conditions for the use of specific contents and services, which must be known to and accepted by the user prior to using the same in accordance with the terms expressed in said Specific Conditions.

The user must establish the adequate, technical safety measure in order to prevent undesired actions within his/her information system, files and computer equipment used to access the Internet and, especially, to this website, being aware of the fact that the Internet is not totally secure.

Purpose of the website

By accessing this site, the user will be able to enjoy the use of a diversity of contents and services that will be offered by RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL or, where appropriate, through third party suppliers under the conditions determined for them. In general, the services and contents offered through the webpage will be available in Spanish, without prejudice to the possibility of reserve that RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL may provide access to them in the other official autonomous regional languages in Spain or other languages spoken in the European Union.

RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL will be able to, unilaterally and without prior notice, modify the provision, configuration content and services on the site, as well as their conditions of use and access to the services provided, without prejudice to what is stated in the specific conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content provided for the customers of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL and/or users of the website.

The telephony consumption cost or other types of expenses for the connection to access the website will be exclusively paid for by the user. The user will solely be required to have the following technical conditions in order to benefit from the use of the www.rentacarginer.com webpage:

Browser: Internet Explorer version 9 or superior, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

User’s Rights and Obligations

The user will be able to:

Freely access, and without requiring prior authorisation, the site’s available contents and services, such as, without prejudice to the specific technical conditions or the need of prior registration regarding the specific services and contents provided for the customers of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL as stated in these general conditions or in the specific conditions for said services.

Use the available services and contents for his/her exclusive, private use, without prejudice to what is stated in the specific conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content provided for the customers of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL

The user will be able to download one sole copy of the webpage in order to visualise it “off-line” for personal and not commercial ends.

Make correct and legal use of the site, in compliance with current legislation, ethics, proper conduct and public order.


Under no circumstances shall the user:

Access or use the services or contents on this site for illicit purposes, adversely affecting the rights and freedoms of third parties, or that may prejudice, damage or impede in any way whatsoever, access to them, to the detriment of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL, or third parties.

Use the services, totally or partially, to promote, sell, contract, diffuse own or third party publicity or information without the prior authorisation of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL. Place information on the website or use the existing services on it in order to directly or indirectly infringe upon the rights and, most especially, fundamental rights and civil liberties of other users of the web or of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL; that incite or advocate carrying out criminal, xenophobic, terrorist or degrading acts for reasons of age, gender, religion or beliefs; or of a pornographic, obscene, violent nature or that infringe the law, ethics or proper conduct. In this regard, information will be understood as including but not limited to: texts, graphics, images, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, data, notes, etc.

Include hyperlinks in his/her personal or commercial web pages to this website that are not limited solely and exclusively to accessing its main webpage.

Use the services and contents offered through this site in a way contrary to the general conditions of use and/or the specific conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content, without prejudice or undermining the rights of other users.

Carry out any action that impedes or hinders access to the site for users and, likewise, the hyperlinks to the services and contents offered by RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL or by third parties through the website.

Use the website as a way to access the Internet to commission illegal acts or those contrary to current legislation, ethics, proper conduct and public order.

Use any type of computer virus, code, software, computer programme, computer equipment or telecommunications equipment that may cause damage or alterations that are not authorised for the contents, programmes or systems that are accessible through the services and contents provided on the website or in the information systems, files and computer equipment of the users themselves; or unauthorised access to any content and/or service on the website.

Delete or modify in any way whatsoever the protection or identification devices belonging to RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL or their legitimate owners that may contain the content hosted on the website, or the symbols that RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL or the legitimate third party owners of the rights incorporate into their creations that are subject to intellectual or industrial property and exist on this website.

Include “metatags” on websites that he/she is responsible for or owns that correspond to the brands, trade names or the distinguishing signs that are owned by RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL.

Totally or partially reproduce the website http://www.rentacarginer.com on another site or webpage, shall not make frames of the site http://www.rentacarginer.com or the web pages accessible through it that hide or modify, including but not limited to- contents, publicity spaces and brands owned by RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL or third parties regardless or not that these are considered to be acts of unfair competition or confusion.

Create frames within a website under his/her responsibility or ownership that reproduce the main web page and/or pages accessible through it corresponding to this website without the prior authorisation of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL.

Include in a website under his/her responsibility or ownership a hyperlink that generates a window or session for the browser software used by a visitor, user or customer of his/her website, in which are included the brands, trade names or distinguishing signs owned by him/her and through which the main page of http://www.rentacarginer.com is shown or any of the pages accessible through it.

Use the brand, trade names or any other identifying signs that are subject to intellectual or industrial property rights, without the prior, express and written authorisation of the owner.

Carry out any act that entails the reproduction, distribution, copying, public communication, transformation or any other similar act that supposes the modification or alteration of all or part of the contents and services on the site or the economic exploitation of them, without the prior and written authorisation of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL, or that of the third party owner of the intellectual and industrial rights upon the services or contents of the website and except what is stated in these general conditions or, where appropriate, specific conditions that regulate the use of a service and/or content that exists on the website.

Rights and Obligations of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL

RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL reserves the following rights:

To modify the conditions to access the page, technical or not, unilaterally and without prior notice being given to the users, without prejudice to what is stated in the specific conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content provided to the customers of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL and/or users of the website.

To establish specific conditions and, where appropriate, demand a price or other requirements to access specific services and/or contents.

To limit, exclude and condition the access of users when all the guarantees for the correct use of the site are not given by them in accordance with their assumed obligations and prohibitions.

To terminate the provision of a service or the supply of a content, without right to any indemnity whatsoever, when this is illegal or contrary to the established conditions, without prejudice to what is stated in the specific conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content provided to the users of the website.

To modify, delete or update all or part of the contents or services offered through the site, without prior notice and without prejudice to what is stated in the specific conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content provided to the users of the website.

To undertake any legal or judicial action that is appropriate to protect the rights of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL and those of third parties who provide their services or contents through the site, when deemed appropriate.

To demand the indemnity that may arise from the improper or illegal use of all or part of the services and contents provided through the site.

RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL’s Liability Exclusion and Limitation

RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL is exempt from any type of liability for damages of whatever nature in the following cases:

Due to the impossibility or difficulties in connecting to the communications network through which the website is accessible, regardless of the connection type used by the user.

Due to the interruption, suspension or cancellation of access to the website as well as due to availability and continued working of the site or of its services and/or contents when this is due to a cause beyond the direct control of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL, whether it arises directly or indirectly from it.

RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL does not undertake any liability regarding the services and contents, the availability and conditions, technical or not, for access to them, when offered by third parties who provide the services, especially regarding the service providers in the information society. Service providers in the information society is understood as those persons, individuals or legal entities, that provide the following services to the public: Transmission through a communications network data provided by the end user of the services, access services to the mentioned network, data storage or hosting services, supply of contents or information, temporary copy service of the data requested by the users, providing links to contents or search tools.

RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL, at no time assumes liability for the damages that may be caused by the information, contents, products and services, including but not limited to- lent, communicated, hosted, transmitted, exhibited or offered by third parties beyond the control of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL –including service providers in the information society-through a website that can be accessed through a link that exists on this site.

The posterior treatment and use of personal data carried out by third parties beyond the control of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL, as well as their belonging to the information society.

The quality and speed of access to the site and the technical conditions that the user must have in order to access the site and its services and/or contents.

RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL will not be liable for the delays or failures that happen when accessing the website or for the functioning of the services and/or contents of the website due to a case of Force Majeure. “Case of Force Majeure” will mean all of the causes that have not been foreseen or, even when foreseen, are inevitable and the result is the non-compliance of any of its obligations. Among these, but not limited to them, are strikes, whether by its own workers or workers outside its company, insurrections or uprisings, as well as rules issued by any civil or military authority, natural catastrophes like earthquakes, floods, lightening or fire, wars, lock outs or any other situation of Force Majeure.

The site user will be personally liable for the damages of any nature caused to RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL, directly or indirectly, due to the non-compliance of any of the obligations derived from these general conditions or other norms through which the use of this site is governed.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

The user knows that the contents and services offered through the site –including texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs, all the comments, exhibitions and its html code, although this list is not limited to these- are protected by the intellectual property laws. The author’s rights and the rights to economic exploitation of this site correspond to RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL.

The brands, trade names or distinguishing signs that appear on the website are owned by RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL, and they are protected by the current laws on intellectual property.

Providing the services and publishing the contents through the site will not imply, under any circumstances, the cession, waiver or transmission, totally or partially, of the ownership of the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

No part of this website may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, copied, publicly communicated, transformed, in its entirety or partly, through any manual, electronic or mechanical system or method (including photocopies, recordings or any other information recovery and storage system) through any currently known support or that will be invented in the future, without the consent of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL. The use, under any modality, of all or part of the content on the site is subject to requiring the prior authorisation of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL and the acceptance of the corresponding licence, where appropriate, except for what is stated regarding the user’s acknowledged and ceded rights in these general conditions or as specified in the specific conditions that RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL is entitled to established to regulate the use of a specific service and/or content offered through the website.

On no account will the user make use of the services and contents existing on the page that are not exclusively personal, except the specific exceptions in these general conditions of use of the site or the specific conditions that RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL is entitled to establish to regulate the use of a specific service and/or content offered through the website.

If the culpable action or omission or direct or indirect negligence attributable to the user of the website that generates the infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL or those of third parties –whether there is a benefit or not for it- generates for RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL damages, losses, joint liabilities, expenses of any nature, sanctions, coercive measures, fines or other amounts arising or derived from any claim, demand, action, suit or proceeding, whether it may be civil, penal or administrative, RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL will have the right to take action against the user through all the legal means at its disposal and claim any amounts of indemnities, including but not limited to- moral and image reputation damage, consequential damages and lost profits, publicity costs or of any other nature that may arise for its remediation, amounts for sanctions or condemnatory sentences, accrued interest, the cost of financing both amounts that may arise for the opposing party, the legal costs and the amount for the defence of any process in which a liability claim arises due to the previously stated causes, for the damages caused due to its action or omission, without prejudice to exercising any other actions within its corresponding rights.

Requesting information

For any doubt or suggestion that you may have regarding the anterior conditions of use, please contact us through at the following e-mail: info@rentacarginer.com


The access, the contents and the services offered through the site have, initially, an indefinite duration. RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL, however, is authorised to terminate or suspend the access, the services and/or contents within it at any time, without prejudice to what may have been stated in the General Conditions or, where appropriate, Specific Conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content provided for the users of the website.

Entire Agreement

These general conditions contain all the conditions agreed between the parties regarding their purpose and any declarations, commitments or promises, verbal, written or implicit, anterior to these conditions regarding their purpose, will be considered as non-existent. The fact that either one of the parties does not demand, at a specific time, compliance with any of the conditions established in these general conditions or, where appropriate, specific conditions that regulate a specific service and/or content provided to the users of the website, cannot be interpreted by the other party as a waiver to subsequently demand its enforcement.

Annulment and Revocability

In the event that any clause in these general conditions or, where appropriate, specific conditions that regulate the use of a specific service and/or content provided to the customers of RENT A CAR GINER BENISSA SL and/or the users of the website, proves to be annullable or null, totally or partially, this nullity or revocability will not affect the validity of any of the other clauses, which will remain fully effective and valid, except when the party that alleges its nullity or revocability proves that without the clause that is null or annullable, the purposes sought after in these conditions will not be able to be complied with.


These general conditions are governed by Spanish legislation.